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    作为目前深圳第一高楼、中国内地第三高楼、全球第八高楼的京基100(KK100),原名京基金融中心(KingKey Financial Center),楼高441.8米,共100层,位于中国广东省深圳市罗湖区,由来自英国的两大国际著名建筑设计公司-- TFP和ARUP联合设计,中国建筑第四工程局有限公司承建。京基100是深圳房企京基集团旗下的世界级地标,也是中国民营地产企业投资建造的最高建筑,保持了多项中国记录、世界纪录,并获得了多项世界级奖项。京基100LOGO以建筑外形为创意点,融入无穷的创意原素,体现了京基人突破极限的决心,我们对京基100VI进行了系统完善。


Since its inception, our experts are constantly developing academic theories, methods and tools for more effective brand to ensure that the customer's market position has been optimized, brand value w...


YOTO than a general business in the analysis of the brand a more comprehensive, more far-sighted thinking problems than the general business more effective in dealing with problems faced by customers ...

Industry Research and Analysis
Industry Research and Analysis

YOTO according to the brand long-term monitoring data, tools, and methods of brand identity systems for various industries, niche brand, brand point of contact, the pattern of brand competition, brand...